Qualche giorno fà è stata rilasciata la versione 0.5b della Dashboard AURORA by Phoenix che ha visto inaugurare anche il suo nuovo sito ufficiale (Phoenix).

Queste le principali novità introdotte:

  • ConnectX
  • Content Search
  • Quick Views

ConnetcX...ovvero la possibilità di caricare i games backup "over the network" attraverso una condivisione SAMBA

Content Search....ovvero premendo X sulla CoverFlow apparirà una Browse Window attraverso la quale sarà possibile cercare un titolo premendo nuovamente X. Il risultato della ricercà impatterà la Coverflow fino a quando non sarà dato un CLEAR dei risultati di ricerca sulla Browse Window

Quick Views...ovvero la possibilità di agire su ICONE, NOMI, FILTRI, OPERATORI ed ORDINE DI VISUALIZZAZIONE

Ecco il Changelog:


(Updated) Localization to use positional parameters
(Updated) FTP Server class to support new FTP functionality ( SITE REVISION and SITE INITIATESCAN )
(Fixed) Skin Glitch in the Saved Game Scene by double tapping (A) button too fast
(Updated) Read Access permissions on debug.log
(Added) Named Content items in file manager
(Fixed) Crash when selecting Title Update Device
(Updated) Emulator Launch Data to use 64 byte file names instead of 40 byte
(Fixed) Launching Kinect Games from Aurora causing black screen
(Added) FileExists function to the FileSystem LUA Library
(Added) AddFunction method to the Lua Virtual Machine allowing dynamically created functions to become available when called
(Updated) Wallpaper Shader to use a dyanamically generated noise texture - fixes black lines when overscan is set
(Updated) Game Content Manager to use new Session variables instead of user locked filter settings
(Fixed) Issue where GameData would not delete when deleting a scan path
(Fixed) Issue where deleting a scan path will delete content items from the database in other scan paths under certain conditions
(Updated) Content Manager to pull date first from MarketplaceXML in the event it's missing from OfferXML with release date validation
(Fixed) Save game dialog allowing you delete when you shouldnt be able to
(Updated) Strings to remove double space after punctuation
(Fixed) Issue where scan would happen right after editing a scan path- and then ask to reboot while scan is occurring.
(Update) Content Callback to use a priority queue with FIFO processing to allow certain messages higher priority
(Added) New PluginManager class to support more plugin information in the future
(Added) Ability to search using the quick browse dialog. Supports string matching and pattern matching.
(Changed) Quick Browse button to Browse in Aurora_Main.xur
(Swapped) Toggle Favorite and Search buttons in Browser
(Updated) Browser to show solid (X) when search filter is active
(Added) Quick View system including configurators and selectors
(Added) ConnectX Settings Framework
(Updated) Loading process to load DLLs faster
(Fixed) Issue where NXE Installed games will not filtered as correctly as an Xbox 360 game
(Added) An Easter Egg for fun times
(Updated) NTP to use sendto instead of send- hopefully resulting in a more reliable direct connection
(Added) Additional status settings, including option for displaying quick view
(Updated) Theme Settings & Filter/Sort Settings to utilize new TextField XUI object
(Removed) ShowIdleStatus setting
(Added) IdleStatus setting
(Added) Support for Interlaced PNG images in the asset extractor (fixes some game icons)
(Updated) DashLaunch display text to be "Dashlaunch" instead of "Dash Launch"
(Updated) Virtual Path subtitle to have caption "Virtual Path" to distinguish it from the Path subtitle
(Fixed) Message box issue in Saved Game Scene
(Added) Some loading log messages to plugin loading
(Added) ConnectX Filters and Added "Hide ConnectX" filter
(Fixed) Livestrong issue with resuming asset downloads
(Fixed) Download missing assets bug
(Fixed) Focus Loss Issue when deleting items from the GameContent List
(Fixed) Download Missing Asset bug when cover json is valid, but empty
(Updated) NameFilter to use proper name "NameFilter"
(Added) Skin Animation setting to Skin settings
(Updated) Xbox360 Executable to properly rule out title dlls when determining if a game is a title
(Fixed) Issue with icon not showing up correctly for launch able games
(Fixed) Skin Animation issue for default skin
(Fixed) Fixed launching from root of a device
(Updated) Skin Meta to point to new site

Download AURORA 0.5b
MD-5: 72EECA25FA42E62899A636739D196D7D

In data odierna, il Team Aurora ci delizia poi con il rilascio di un EDITOR che ci permetterà di creare delle custom Coverflow tramite l'ausilio del nostro PC

Il suo utilizzo è molto semplice:

  • Copia CFEditDLL.XEX su AURORA/PLUGINS e riavvia AURORA
  • Verifica che la DLL sia caricata (attraverso la schermata dei Loaded Modules)
  • Avvia il Coverflow Editor sul tuo PC
  • Inserisci l'IP della tua XBOX360
  • Crea la tua Coverflow modificando i parametri che più ti aggradano
  • SALVA il layout

L'autore raccomanda di utilizzare una connessione Ethernet poichè attraverso il WiFi ha riscontrato malfunzionamenti; come anche di rimuovere CFEditDLL.XEX sulla vostra Xbox360 quando non utilizzate l'editor in modo da non impattare prestazionalmente AURORA.

Download CoverFlowLayoutEditor