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Discussione: [NEWS PS3] Versioni Ufficiali del Tool IRISMAN by aldostools

  1. #1
    Junior Member L'avatar di Razorbacktrack
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    Post [NEWS PS3] Versioni Ufficiali del Tool IRISMAN by aldostools

    Aldostools non delude i suoi Fan e rilascia subito una nuova versione del suo famosissimo backup loader (e non solo) compatibile con i nuovi CFW 4.66


    Changelog 3.33 (Nov 19/2014)
    - Added detection of cfw 4.66
    - Updated allowed firmware version in game fix (iso and jb folders)
    - Updated version/revision in fw version spoofer (cobra only)
    - Removed some lv2 patches formerly enabled by default on cfw 4.65-4.66 (suggested by Joonie)
    (the old patches can be enabled via settings.ini)

  2. Thanks Pa0l0ne Ha ringraziato per questo post
  3. #2
    Shamalaya! L'avatar di Pa0l0ne
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    Rilasciato aggiornamento IRISMAN v3.36 by aldostools (Jan 2, 2015)

    Changelog 3.36 (Jan 2/2015)
    - Added Mamba with PS3 Manager API 1.0.2 by _NzV_ (CEX Only)
    - Added PRX Loader modded by _NzV_ (extended support for more CFW versions)
    Download IRISMAN v3.36
    Download IRISMAN Icon by Brunolee
    Download Priority OFF for IRISMAN (default)
    Download Priority ON for IRISMAN (always on top)


  4. #3
    Yeah, bitch! Magnets! L'avatar di zeruel85
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    Rilasciato aggiornamento IRISMAN v3.39 by aldostools (Jan 23, 2015)

    - Added shadow copy when installing PKG as bubble from hdd0
    - File Manager: Added support to install all the selected PKG files as bubble.
    - File Manager: Added option to mount folders as /dev_bdvd (like webMAN)
    TIP: For NTFS, instead of install the pkgs as bubble, copy the packages to /dev_hdd0/packages, mount the folder as /dev_bdvd, then use Install All Packages
    - File Manager: Added support to replace /dev_hdd0/webftp_server.sprx with the selected webftp_server_*.sprx
    - Create /dev_hdd0/classic_ps2 when a PS2 Classic is mounted

    Fonte: Brewology Store
    Ultima modifica di Pa0l0ne; 24-01-2015 alle 11:21
    Pa0l0ne likes this.

  5. #4
    Junior Member L'avatar di Razorbacktrack
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    IRISMAN 3.42:


    Changelog 3.42 (Feb 4/2015)

    File Manager: Added support to create Fake ISOs of NTFS files on "My Games" (XMB).
    The feature requires webMAN MOD 1.41.17
    .ntfs [BDFILE] is create on /dev_hdd0/tmp/wmtmp for each selected file
    To access the option: Make Fake ISO
    select one or multiple PKG, video or non-ISO file on a NTFS drive in File Manager
    Press triangle and go to the last option (Mount + Exit to XMB)
    Press LEFT/RIGHT until it . shows "Make Fake ISO"
    Exit to XMB and the files should be listed under "Blu-Ray™ and DVD".

    Changelog 3.41 (Jan 31/2015)

    File Manager: Press triangle over a PKG on NTFS and mount it as /dev_bdvd.
    Use Install Package Files from XMB to install the game without have to copy the pkg to HDD, saving time and space on hdd (no needing the double of free space to install games)
    Any NTFS file can be mounted as /dev_bdvd (e.g. large pkg files, movies, iso, etc.)

    Added quick fix mode (checking only the SFO to know if the game needs to be fixed)
    Hold SELECT when selecting Test and Fix Games for full test/fix

    Changelog 3.40 (Jan 28/2015)

    Fixed issue scanning /PSXGAMES
    Fixed pad response when the game list is empty.
    Added support to load .sprx on slot 6 from File Manager
    Interessante questo fatto dei file .NTFS


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