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Discussione: [NEWS PS3] Versioni Ufficiali del Tool MultiMAN

  1. #1
    Junior Member L'avatar di Razorbacktrack
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    Post [NEWS PS3] Versioni Ufficiali del Tool MultiMAN

    Stavolta lo sviluppatore Deank non si fa attendere : è stata rilasciata una nuova versione di MultiMAN compatibile con i presenti e futuri CFW CEX 4.66

    Ecco il changelog completo:

    Changelog v04.66.00 – Nov. 20-2014
    Added Support for 4.66 CFW
    Added Spoof for 4.66 for older firmwares

  2. Thanks Pa0l0ne Ha ringraziato per questo post
  3. #2
    Junior Member L'avatar di Razorbacktrack
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    multiMAN 4.66.03 CEX

    - Added “BD-Mirror” on Cobra firmwares for external FAT32 USB HDD games
    - Fixed black-screen-games issues for newer games (external HDD only)
    - Updated libfs.sprx and explorer_plugin.sprx (for better discless support)
    The updated explore_plugin.sprx (IEXP0_460.BIN in USRDIR/sys) adds proper discless support (for launching games from /app_home) to multiMAN for CFWs 4.60, 4.65 and 4.66.
    Mauroz likes this.

  4. Thanks Pa0l0ne Ha ringraziato per questo post
  5. #3
    Shamalaya! L'avatar di Pa0l0ne
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    multiMAN 4.66.04 CEX/DEX/STEALTH

    multiMAN 04.66.04 (20141123)

    It is aimed to cover all configurations for better compatibility. This one will utilize the "USB Patch" option in "Settings" (used back in 3.41) and will affect the way BD-Mirror option is applied and when AIOMOD is used. The actual change is only with point 4) when both options are enabled.

    COBRA firmwares (only affects games on external USB HDD):
    1) [-] BD-Mirror | [-] USB Patch (Both options disabled) - mmCM will act the same as before (all versions up to 04.66.02)
    2) [X] BD-Mirror | [-] USB Patch (Only BD-Mirror selected) - (no effect) Same as before
    3) [-] BD-Mirror | [X] USB Patch (Only USB patch selected) - (no effect) Same as before
    4) [X] BD-Mirror | [X] USB Patch (Both options enabled) - mM will use the old bd-mirror method (moving /PS3_GAME to the root of the USB HDD)

    STANDARD firmwares:

    1) [-] BD-Mirror | [-] USB Patch (Both options disabled) - multiMAN will act the same as before (all versions up to 04.66.02)
    2) [X] BD-Mirror | [-] USB Patch (Only BD-Mirror selected) - Same as before (AIOMOD.BIN is used for USB games and libfs.sprx is used for internal HDD games)
    3) [-] BD-Mirror | [X] USB Patch (Only USB patch selected) - (no effect) Same as before
    4) [X] BD-Mirror | [X] USB Patch (Both options enabled) - AIOMOD.BIN is not used. mM will use the old bd-mirror method for USB games (moving /PS3_GAME to the root of the USB HDD) and libfs.sprx is used for internal HDD games)

    This will make mM fully compatible with older and newer cobra/non-cobra firmwares, providing all possible options for all games/environments. By using option 4) on standard firmwares the user won't have to manually delete/rename AIOMOD.BIN, because it is needed by some games and other require the plain old bd-mirror method.

    For example, to make the "Mordor" game work on Cobra from external USB HDD you will need option 4) enabled (both BD-Mirror and USB Patch options enabled for the game in settings).

    After you update to 04.66.04 nothing should change for most of you. If you experience issues with some external USB HDD games - try options 2) and 4). When reporting problems, please make sure that you load multiMAN/mmCM after CLEAN REBOOT and do not use other apps/patches before launching the game. If you use any app that disables syscalls/psn patchers/etc - I cannot guarantee anything.
    Ultima modifica di Pa0l0ne; 30-11-2014 alle 11:44

  6. Likes zeruel85 Ha dato un "mi piace" per questo post
    Thanks Sk8er000, Tommino81 Ha ringraziato per questo post
  7. #4
    Shamalaya! L'avatar di Pa0l0ne
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    multiMAN 4.66.05 BASE CEX (20141129).pkg (46MB)

    multiMAN 04.66.05 is now available online within the app.

    It fixes some problems with 4.66 firmwares (especially COBRA compatible CFWs and the 80010017 error).
    Ultima modifica di Pa0l0ne; 30-11-2014 alle 11:48
    Razorbacktrack likes this.

  8. #5
    Shamalaya! L'avatar di Pa0l0ne
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    multiMAN 4.66.06 (2014-12-01) (129.74MB)

    multiMAN 04.66.06 (20141201)
    * Fixes issues with games like "Shadow of Mordor" - it can be launched in JB/folder format from internal/external now
    * Probably will fix issues with other JB/folder-format games
    * Fix is for all standard CFWs and for cobra CFWs (4.46-4.66)
    * /app_home is intentionally not redirected to /dev_bdvd on cobra CFWs
    Download MultiMAN v04.66.06 BASE CEX DEX STEALTH (20141201) 129,74Mb
    Download MultiMAN v04.66.06 STEALTH (20141201) 42,8Mb
    Ultima modifica di Pa0l0ne; 03-01-2015 alle 23:08
    Cracco likes this.

  9. #6
    Shamalaya! L'avatar di Pa0l0ne
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    multiMAN 4.66.08 (2015-01-04) (28.4MB)

    multiMAN 04.66.08 (20150104)
    * Fixed issues when using more than one external USB HDD on Cobra CFWs (4.46-4.66+)
    * Fixed issues with homebrew locks/blackscreen/invalid-discs and other weird errors (CFW 4.65CEX/DEX and 4.66CEX)
    * Removed habib’s patches and added two different ones to improve compatibility
    * JB games from FAT32 USB HDDs will be mounted as /dev_usb (and not as /dev_usb***) – this issue appeared in CFW 4.20. /dev_usb is always the first usb hdd which the ps3 manages to mount. When it happens that your game is not on the first/fastest usb hdd it caused problems. “Reset USB Bus” was introduced to multiMAN more than a year ago, but it is now added to mmCM, too, without actual reset of the bus.

    IMPORTANT: if you are using webMAN and multiMAN/mmCM – UPDATE BOTH to the latest versions and restart your PS3 to start clean.

    If you’re running pre-patched CFW (4.65/4.66) It is suggested that you use a clean one. webMAN & multiMAN try to restore lv2 to original state, but sometimes it may not be possible.
    Download MultiMAN v04.66.08 BASE CEX (20150104) 28,4MB
    Ultima modifica di Pa0l0ne; 05-01-2015 alle 23:52

  10. #7
    Shamalaya! L'avatar di Pa0l0ne
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    multiMAN 4.66.09 (2015-01-07) (39.8MB)

    Changelog 04.66.09 (20150107)
    * Fixed minor issue (mmCM)
    * Added prompt to launch multiMAN if mmCM finds itself in non-cobra mode
    * Improved support for 4.65CEX/DEX and 4.66CFW
    * Fixed issues with multiple USB HDDs on Cobra CFWs (4.46-4.66)
    * Fixed black screens/invalid-disc-errors and other problems
    * Removed Habib’s LV2 patches

    IMPORTANT: if you are using webMAN and multiMAN/mmCM – UPDATE BOTH to the latest versions and restart your PS3 to start clean.

    If you’re running pre-patched CFW (4.65/4.66) It is suggested that you use a clean one. webMAN & multiMAN try to restore lv2 to original state, but sometimes it may not be possible.

    Darknet Cobra is ok. Previous 4.65 CFWs with build-in patches are not ok.
    Download MultiMAN v04.66.09 BASE CEX (20150107) 39,8MB

    Ultima modifica di Pa0l0ne; 10-01-2015 alle 00:52

  11. #8
    Shamalaya! L'avatar di Pa0l0ne
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    multiMAN 4.66.10 (2015-01-10) (39.8MB)

    Changelog 04.66.10 (20150110)
    * Fixed game covers for split ISO games
    * Fixed game backgrounds for ISO games
    * Fixed few issues introduced in .08
    Download MultiMAN v04.66.10 BASE CEX (20150110) 39,8MB

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